Welcome To The Corona Virus Information Line

Our mission is provide access to resources that can enable you to get information about the Corona Virus

This site is being (quickly) built by an older computer software professional, who already has some charity sites and wants to help in this awful situation and is now trying to help with this mission
It is not meant to be fancy but simple to use and functional to give the latest information available

Information about the Corona Virus

Here are many resources that give you information on the virus, they are being constantly brought up to date, please keep coming back for latest info and from our partners.

Select a name from the list, press GET INFO to go there to get their help

Latest news about the Corona Virus

Here are many resources that give you latest news on the virus, they are being constantly brought up to date, please keep coming back for latest news and from our partners.

Click on a name on the list, press GET NEWS to go there to get the latest news

Charities that can help during the Corona Virus Crisis

Here are lots of charities that can help during the virus, they are being constantly brought up to date, please keep coming back to see.

Click on a name on the list, press FIND A CHARITY to go there

Helpful VOLUNTEER SERVICES AVAILABLE during the Corona Virus Crisis

Here are many resources that can still give you volunteer services during the virus, they are being constantly brought up to date, please keep coming back for services.

Click on a name on the list, press FIND A SERVICE to see their services available

Worship Services available during the Corona Virus Crisis

Here are lots of (online) worship services, they are being constantly brought up to date, please keep coming back to see.

Click on a name on the list, press FIND A WORSHIP SERVICE to go there

Events... Whats's on / What's off - still happening (or new events) during the Corona Virus
Here are many resources that tell you about events happening during this virus crisis, they are being constantly brought up to date, please keep coming back for event news.

Click on a name on the list, press EVENTS to get event details

Stories about the Corona Virus

Here are stories about the virus, they are being constantly brought up to date, please keep coming back for latest stories.

Click on a name on the list, press STORIES to go there to get the latest stories

Services (paid) still (or newly) available near you during the Corona Virus Crisis

Here are many resources that can still give you services during the virus, they are being constantly brought up to date, please keep coming back for services.

Click on a name on the list, press NEED A SERVICE to get services available

Jobs still (or newly) available during the Corona Virus

Here are resources that can help you find work available during the virus crisis, they are being constantly brought up to date, please keep checking back for jobs.

Click on a name on the list, press NEED A JOB to get available jobs

Have a Volunteer Service, Worship service, an Event, a Story to list for everybody to see, or a Job or a Paid Local Service to offer ?? - select one and click My Listings


set up by Rob Bartlett, in Hampshire, but available everywhere


contact email: 4coronavirus@gmail.com
Facebook: 4coronavirus@gmail.com
Twitter 4coronavirus

This site is strictly informational and we will never ask for your personal info

Linked websites/resources are not under our control and any harm caused from those must be referred back to that resource

Coronavirus Übertragung